Mini fast to treat acne

no-food-acne-treatment 24 hours a day the body attempts to eliminate waste products, but is often hampered by the piling in of harmful foods. When you eat you actually stop the body cleansing process. This is because it now has to work on digesting new food. This is why fasting is good - it basically let your body cleanse itself. Every good thing has to be taken in moderation. Though fasting has its benefits, you need food to survive! What some people suggest is to have a mini fast. Try to have mini fast for your breakfast. Have one type of fruit for breakfast. This will slow down the cleansing process but still allow it to continue to a degree. Oranges are best. Have only one type of fruit. Not apples and oranges, not grapefruit and orange juice. Just one type of food for this breakfast mini fast. What I have learned from this mini fast acne treatment technique is that don't eat too much unnecessary food, as it affect our body cleansing process. It make sense why Muslim say they fast to cleanse their body.
Sources: 1, 2


  1. It's true that fasting has cleansing effect.

  2. ahh , now I really now what's the essence of fasting. Aside from it's usual use that we know which in regards to our religion, it somewhat also has a benefit to our body especially in preventing acne. Now, this persuades me to have a mini fast also, because I ate a lot, too much and it doesn't follow the proper diet either.

  3. no that should be fine, im using apple cider vineger straight, but than i read it will damage my skin unless you dilute it . I have not had any problems but i probably should dilute it.
